Think of a situation where you will have the command of your money flow. It must feel good and we want you to feel it anyway.
Jackpay uses technology to democratize financial services. We want everyone to have the opportunity to build beautiful consumer experiences, developer-friendly infrastructure, and intelligent tools for solving big problems.
Select your preferred financial modules by entering your organization's email address and submitting a quick and easy verification gravida .
When you use sandbox mode, you can identify any issues before they enter the production code. Developers will gain confidence in their code. in gravida .
As soon as the integrations are complete and you are ready to launch in production, just give us the green light from your dashboard. in gravida .
The APIs come with an intuitive interface for network administration and performance visibility. Our secure and fast payments solution ensures that transactions are processed within seconds. We provide full control over your card program — from configuring account settings to managing identities, access, cards and payment information. Plus, real-time analytics help you gain insights into customer spend behavior and trends.
Your financial luggage is our responsibility